One possible cause of the Not Extruding at Start of Print issue is an incorrect nozzle temperature. If the nozzle is too cold, the filament may not be able to flow smoothly through the nozzle. On the other hand, if the nozzle is too hot, the filament may become too soft and deform, leading to poor print quality. To fix this issue, try adjusting the nozzle temperature to the recommended setting for the filament you are using. You can find this information on the filament manufacturer’s website or by consulting a knowledgeable 3D printing expert.

Another common cause of the Not Extruding at Start of Print issue is an incorrect extrusion rate. This can happen if the extruder is not feeding the filament into the nozzle at the correct speed. To fix this issue, try adjusting the extrusion rate in your 3D printing software. You may also need to check for any blockages in the filament path, such as a clogged nozzle or kinked filament.

If you are still experiencing the Not Extruding at Start of Print issue after trying the above solutions, there may be other underlying causes at play. Some other things to check for include:

Incorrect bed level

Incorrect bed level can be a common cause of not extruding at the start of a print. If the bed is not properly leveled, the extruder may not have enough pressure to push the filament through. This can cause the extruder to skip steps or fail to extrude altogether. To fix this issue, make sure to level the bed according to the instructions provided by your 3D printer’s manufacturer. This may involve adjusting the bed’s distance from the extruder, or using shims or other leveling tools to ensure that the bed is level. It’s also important to check for any debris or obstructions on the bed, as these can interfere with the extruder’s ability to push the filament through. If you continue to experience problems with not extruding at the start of a print, it may be worth re-calibrating the extruder or replacing the nozzle to ensure that it is functioning properly.

Incorrect bed temperature


If the bed temperature is too low, the first layer of your print may not stick properly to the bed, causing the print to fail. On the other hand, if the bed temperature is too high, the first layer may become too fluid, causing it to warp or deform. It’s important to use the recommended bed temperature for the filament you are using and to ensure that the bed is level before starting a print. If you’re experiencing issues with the first layer of your print not sticking to the bed, try adjusting the bed temperature and ensuring that the bed is level. If these steps don’t resolve the issue, it may be worth trying a different build surface or applying a glue stick or other adhesion aid to the bed.

Incorrect filament diameter

If the filament diameter is not within the recommended range for your printer, it may not flow through the nozzle smoothly.

your slicer software and make sure it is set to the correct value. You can measure the diameter of your filament with a caliper to ensure it is accurate. If the filament diameter is too large, it can cause the extruder to work harder to push it through the hotend, leading to potential jams or extrusion issues. If the filament diameter is too small, it can cause under-extrusion and poor print quality.

To prevent this issue from occurring, it is important to properly store your filament and keep it away from moisture. Exposure to moisture can cause the filament to absorb water, which can cause changes in the diameter and lead to extrusion issues. It is also a good idea to periodically check the diameter of your filament to ensure it has not changed.

If you are still having issues with incorrect filament diameter, it is a good idea to try a different spool of filament to see if that resolves the issue. It is also possible that there may be an issue with the extruder itself, in which case it may be necessary to clean or replace it.

Incorrect nozzle size


If the nozzle size is too small, the filament may not be able to flow through it properly. Conversely, if the nozzle size is too large, the filament may not be able to flow at the correct rate.

There are several potential causes of incorrect nozzle size that can lead to a failure to extrude at the start of a print. One common issue is using a nozzle that is too small for the filament being used. This can cause the filament to become stuck in the nozzle and prevent it from flowing properly. Another issue is using a nozzle that is too large, which can cause the filament to come out too thinly and result in poor print quality. To fix this issue, it is important to ensure that the nozzle size is properly calibrated and matches the size of the filament being used. This may require adjusting the nozzle size in the printer’s firmware or physically replacing the nozzle if it is the wrong size. Additionally, it is important to regularly clean the nozzle to remove any debris or clogs that could prevent the filament from flowing properly.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you should be able to fix the Not Extruding at Start of Print issue and get back to creating successful 3D prints. Remember to always consult with a knowledgeable expert or the filament manufacturer if you are unsure of the cause or solution to a 3D printing issue.

In conclusion, troubleshooting issues with your 3D printer not extruding at the start of a print can be frustrating, but with the right approach and understanding of the potential causes, it is possible to identify and fix the problem. Some of the most common reasons for this issue include incorrect bed leveling, bed temperature, filament diameter, and nozzle size. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can troubleshoot and resolve these issues, ensuring that your 3D prints come out perfectly every time. Remember to take your time, be patient, and don’t be afraid to seek help from online communities or professional technicians if you need additional assistance. With the right approach, you can overcome any 3D printing challenge and create stunning, high-quality prints that you can be proud of.

Have you faced a similar ‘Not Extruding’ issue? Or perhaps you’ve found a unique solution we didn’t mention? Share your experiences and insights in the comments below. Your feedback is invaluable to our community and assists fellow 3D printing enthusiasts.

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Micheal Kelly is a technology journalist from Los Angeles, California. His specialties include 3D printing technology, music, and everything else that is reshaping the world. Kelly enjoys riding his motorbike, playing drums, and eating cheeseburgers while he is not banging away at his computer keys.

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